COMP 104 : Programming

Lab 9: Falling Money

In lab 9, you will write a program where the player controls a basket for collecting falling money from the sky. But, rubbish will fall from the sky as well. The goal of this game is to collect the money and avoid the rubbish.


  1. Except for constants, your program should not use global variables.
  2. You should use a linked list to store each line of the sky.
  3. Your program must not have any memory leaks or dangling pointers.
  4. Use the following structure (note that it is a user-defined data type, not a variable):
       struct Node{
           string data;
           Node* next;
       typedef Node* NodePtr;

The sky:

  1. You will create a sky of 40 characters in width and 20 lines in height. Outside the sky, there is a title, two barriers and a line showing the score. Therefore, there are totally 42 characters x 22 lines in this game.
  2. ‘U’ will be used to represent the basket. Put it in the middle bottom of the sky when the game begins. The player can use arrow keys to move teh basket from left to right.
  3. Use ‘$’ to represent money and ‘.’ (a fullstop) to represent rubbish.
  4. Put two items on each line. The items can be either ‘$’ or ‘.’.
Here is the sample layout: sample.txt

Game play:
  1. The sky itself is a linked list of strings. Each line is a Node in the linked list. You can add a line to the top and remove a line from the bottom to make the money look like it is falling from the sky. Here is the explanation: explain.ppt
  2. You will have 50 marks at the beginning. Collecting each ‘$’ will add 10 marks, and each ‘.’ will cost you 15 marks. If you get 100 marks or more, you win. If you get 0 marks or less, you lose.


    Use the following code to get the input when user presses a key:
    if (kbhit()) input = getch();
    // kbhit(): if someone hits the keyboard, it returns true.
    // getch(): gets a char immediately from the input (no need to press enter)
    You should include <conio.h> in order to use these two functions.

  1. Then you can check which key the user pressed (left or right arrow):

    const char CPPKEYLEFT = 75;    //left arrow
    const char CPPKEYRIGHT = 77;    //right arrow

    if (input == CPPKEYLEFT) {…}
    else if (input == CPPKEYRIGHT) {…}

  2. You can use the following code to generate a string with 40 characters:

        string temp(40, 'x');

    “temp” is the variable name, the first parameter is the number of characters, the second parameter is the character to be filled in.
    That is the same as

        string temp = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

  3. Then you can use strings like an array:

        temp[9] = 'y';

    This will change the character at index 9 to ‘y’.

  4. You can use this command to control the speed of the game:


    It will stop the program for 10 milliseconds.
    You should include
    <Windows.h> in order to use this function.

This is a sample of first 10 steps: first_10_lines.txt

Demo your working program for your TA. If for some reason you cannot finish before the end of the lab period, email your program to your TA by Sunday 20 November 5PM (please include your name and lab section as a comment on line 1 of your program).