COMP 104 : Programming

Week 13 : Extra Programming Exercise (Answer)

// extra13-1.cpp
// Square Class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Square{
                Square();                   // sets side to length = 0
                void set(int side, char border = 'X', char fill = ' ');
                void draw() const;
                int area() const;          // return the area of the square
                int perimeter() const;     // return the perimeter of the square
                int length;                // length of side
                char borderChar;           // the border character
                char fillChar;             // the fill character

        length = 0;

void Square::set(int side, char border, char fill)
        length = side;
        borderChar = border;
        fillChar = fill;

void Square::draw() const
        cout << endl;
        cout << "The area of the square is " << area() << endl;
        cout << "The perimeter of the square is " << perimeter() << endl;
        cout << endl;

        for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<length; j++)
                if ((i==0)||(i==length-1)||(j==0)||(j==length-1))
                    cout << borderChar;
                    cout << fillChar;
            cout <<endl;

int Square::area() const
        return (length * length);

int Square::perimeter() const
        return (length * 4);

int main()
       Square s;
        int length;
        char ans;
        cout << "Enter the length for the square: ";
        cin >> length;
        cout << "Do you want to set the border character and fill character? ";
        cin >> ans;
        if ((ans == 'Y') || (ans == 'y'))
            s.set(length, 'O', 'o');
            s.set(length, 'X', ' ');
        return 0;

// extra13-2.cpp
// Circle Class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Circle{
                Circle();                   // sets diameter = 0
                void set(int side, char border = 'X', char fill = ' ');
                void draw() const;
                double area() const;        // return the area of the circle
                double perimeter() const;   // return the perimeter of the circle
                int diameter;               // diameter of circle
                char borderChar;            // the border character
                char fillChar;              // the fill character

        diameter = 0;

void Circle::set(int side, char border, char fill)
        diameter = side;
        borderChar = border;
        fillChar = fill;

void Circle::draw() const
        cout << endl;
        cout << "The area of the circle is " << area() << endl;
        cout << "The perimeter of the circle is " << perimeter() << endl;
        cout << endl;

        for(int i=0; i<diameter; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<diameter; j++)
                if (((i==0)&&(j==0))||((i==0)&&(j==diameter-1)) ||((i==diameter-1)&&(j==0))
                    cout << ' ';
                else if ((i==0)||(i==diameter-1)||(j==0)||(j==diameter-1))
                    cout << borderChar;
                    cout << fillChar;
           cout <<endl;

double Circle::area() const
        return ((diameter/2.) * (diameter/2.) * 3.1416);

double Circle::perimeter() const
        return (diameter * 3.1416);

int main()
        Circle c;
        int diameter;
        char ans;
        cout << "Enter the diameter of the Circle: ";
        cin >> diameter;
        cout << "Do you want to set the border character and fill character? ";
        cin >> ans;
        if ((ans == 'Y') || (ans == 'y'))
            c.set(diameter, 'O', 'o');
            c.set(diameter, 'X', ' ');
        return 0;

// extra13-3.cpp
// Rectangle Class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Rectangle{
                Rectangle();                // sets width & height = 0
                void set(int side_x, int side_y, char border = 'X', char fill = ' ');
                void draw() const;
                int area() const;          // return the area of the rectangle
                int perimeter() const;     // return the perimeter of the rectangle
                int height;                // height of rectangle
                int width;                 // width of rectangle
                char borderChar;           // the border character
                char fillChar;             // the fill character

        height = 0;
        width = 0;

void Rectangle::set(int side_x, int side_y, char border, char fill)
        width = side_x;
        height = side_y;
        borderChar = border;
        fillChar = fill;

void Rectangle::draw() const
        cout << endl;
        cout << "The area of the rectangle is " << area() << endl;
        cout << "The perimeter of the rectangle is " << perimeter() << endl;
        cout << endl;

        for(int i=0; i<height; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<width; j++)
                if ((i==0)||(i==height-1)||(j==0)||(j==width-1))
                    cout << borderChar;
                    cout << fillChar;
            cout <<endl;

int Rectangle::area() const
        return (width * height);

int Rectangle::perimeter() const
        return ((width + height) * 2);

int main()
        Rectangle r;
        int height;
        int width;
        char ans;
        cout << "Enter the height and width of the rectangle: ";
        cin >> height >> width;
        cout << "Do you want to set the border character and fill character? ";
        cin >> ans;
        if ((ans == 'Y') || (ans == 'y'))
            r.set(width, height, 'O', 'o');
            r.set(width,height, 'X', ' ');
        return 0;

// extra13-4.cpp
// Right Triangle Class

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class RightTriangle{
                RightTriangle();                // sets side to length = 0
                void set(int side, char border = 'X', char fill = ' ');
                void draw() const;
                double area() const;            // return the area of the Right Triangle
                double perimeter() const;       // return the perimeter of the Right Triangle
                int length;                     // length of side
                char borderChar;                // the border character
                char fillChar;                  // the fill character

        length = 0;

void RightTriangle::set(int side, char border, char fill)
        length = side;
        borderChar = border;
        fillChar = fill;

void RightTriangle::draw() const
        cout << endl;
        cout << "The area of the Triangle is " << area() << endl;
        cout << "The perimeter of the Triangle is " << perimeter() << endl;
        cout << endl;
        for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<length; j++)
                if ((i==length-1)||(j==0)||(i==j))
                    cout << borderChar;
                else if(j < i)
                    cout << fillChar;
                    cout << ' ';
            cout <<endl;

double RightTriangle::area() const
        return (length*length) / 2.0;

double RightTriangle::perimeter() const
        return length + length + 1.414213*length;

int main()
        RightTriangle t;
        int length;
        char ans;

        cout << "Enter the side length of the Right Triangle: ";
        cin >> length;
        cout << "Do you want to set the border character and fill character? ";
        cin >> ans;
        if ((ans == 'Y') || (ans == 'y'))
            t.set(length, 'O', 'o');
            t.set(length, 'X', ' ');
        return 0;

// Main Function to call the classes if all four classes are grouped together
int main()
        Square s;                       // Declare the four classes
        Circle c;
        Rectangle r;
        RightTriangle t;

        char model; char ans;
        int length; int width;

        cout << "Enter which model you want to modify: \n";
        cout << "s for Square, c for Circle, r for Rectangle & t for RightTriangle: ";
        cin >> model;
        case 's':
                cout << "How long is the side? ";
                cin >> length;
                cout << "Do you want to set the border character and fill character? ";
                cin >> ans;
                if ((ans == 'Y') || (ans == 'y'))
                        s.set(length, 'O', 'o');
                        s.set(length, 'X', ' ');
        case 'c':
                cout << "What's the diameter of the circle: ";
                cin >> length;
                cout << "Do you want to set the border character and fill character? ";
                cin >> ans;
                if ((ans == 'Y') || (ans == 'y'))
                        c.set(length, 'O', 'o');
                        c.set(length, 'X', ' ');
        case 'r':
                cout << "Enter the height and width of the rectangle: ";
                cin >> length >> width ;
                cout << "Do you want to set the border character and fill character? ";
                cin >> ans;
                if ((ans == 'Y') || (ans == 'y'))
                        r.set(width, length, 'O', 'o');
                        r.set(width, length, 'X', ' ');
        case 't':
                cout << "Enter the side length of the Right Triangle: ";
                cin >> length;
                cout << "Do you want to set the border character and fill character? ";
                cin >> ans;
                if ((ans == 'Y') || (ans == 'y'))
                        t.set(length, 'O', 'o');
                        t.set(length, 'X', ' ');
                cout << "Wrong Input. No such Model!\n";

        return 0;