Grading Criteria for the COMP670J project

The project was graded on three criteria
  1. The Report -- 40 pts :    This includes how you designed your project and how understandable your report was.  The baseline grade for this was 30.  That is,  if you did the minimal amount required you received 30 pts. More points were awarded for extra work done or extra analysis
  1. The Code   -- 40 pts:   This graded how understandable and well designed your code was. Again,  the baseline grade was 30 points which was awarded for minimal code that worked.  More points were awarded for `better' code.  The rule of thumb here was that if I couldn't read your code and  understand it you only received 30 points.
  1.  Does it run? -- 20 points:   20 points were given if your code ran. Everyone got full marks for this.

Note that using these criteria the minimal grade for a  working program and basic report was an 80.

Grading Criteria for the Final COMP670J Mark

The homeworks were worth 50% of the final grade.
The project was also worth 50% of the final grade.

Since the homeworks contained a total of 40 points the formula for the final raw grade was therefore

                Final = (HW1 + HW2 + HW3 + HW4)*5/4  + Project/2
The correspondence to final marks used the following table:

95 <= Final             A+
90 <= Final < 95    A
88 <= Final < 90    A-
85 <= Final < 88    B+
80 <= Final < 85    B
73 <= Final < 80    B-
70 <= Final < 73    C+
65 <= Final < 70    C
            Final < 65    F

Finally,  students whose grades were just below one of the cutoffs and had solved some of the extra credit problems were `jumped' one grade level.  (The definition of `just below' depended upon how much extra-credit had been given).