This semester, the theory seminars meet on Fridays at 11-12, followed by a group lunch. 
Talk announcements will be sent to the cstheory mailing list. If you would like to be on the list or to give a talk,  please contact me.

Occasionally, talks will be given out of the normal  Friday, 11-12 slot.  Such talks will be highlighted in yellow.

Of related interest,  there is a also a weekly student run theory reading group that reads and discusses a new paper every week.

For information on how to get to HKUST, see this.

Date  Location  Speaker Title
Tuesday, Nov 9, 4-5pm 3311
Lars Arge, Aarhus University
Orthogonal Range Reporting in 3 and Higher Dimensions
Tuesday, Nov 23, 2-3 pm 4480 Shang-Hua Teng, USC
Optimization, Learnability, and Games: From the Lens of Smoothed Analysis [ppt]

Tuesday, Nov 30, 2-3 pm
3530 Yitong Yin, Nanjing Univ. Certificates in Data Structures
Friday, Dec 3, 3-4pm 4483 Hao Yuan, CityU
Data Structures for Range Minimum Queries in Multidimensional Arrays
Archives of Old Seminars, links and abstracts.
Web page maintained by
Ke Yi,
HKUST Theoretical Computer Science Group