This semester, the  informal theory group seminar meets on Wednesdays or Fridays from 11-12, followed by a group lunch. 
Talk announcements  will be sent to the cstheory mailing list. If you would like to be on the list or to give a talk,  please send me email.

Occasionally, talks will be given out of the normal  Wednesday/Friday, 11-12 slot.  Such talks will be highlighted in yellow.
Talks will usually be held in 3464 (the MATH/CS conference room) or 3530 (the small CS conference room). Talks held in other venues will also be highlighted in yellow.

Of related interest,  there is a also a weekly student run theory reading group that reads and discusses a new paper every week.

For information on how to get to HKUST  see this.

Date  Location  Speaker Title
Oct 3, 2008
Qin Zhang
Multi-Dimensional Online Tracking
Archives of Old Seminars, links and abstracts.
Web page maintained by
Mordecai Golin,
HKUST Theoretical Computer Science Group