Towards Effective and Unbiased Video Action Recognition

MPhil Thesis Defence

Title: "Towards Effective and Unbiased Video Action Recognition"


Mr. Jihoon CHUNG


Video action recognition has been an important task of computer vision where 
the goal is to classify and label the action of a video. While the advent of 
machine learning has greatly improved the performance of video action 
recognition, it has been showing limited performance, compared to simpler image 

Through identifying inherent labeling noises in the existing video action 
datasets, which misdirects a machine learning model from effectively 
classifying the action from the video, we contribute HAA500, a manually 
annotated video action dataset with 10,000 video clips of 500 classes. HAA500 
consists of fine-grained 500 atomic action classes where the video clips of 
consistent actions are collected for each class. Our HAA500 enables deep 
learning models to improve their predictions while avoiding unwanted bias and 
focusing on the human figure and pose.

We further study the importance of human pose and the use of skeleton data in 
action recognition. We introduce a novel temporal alignment method using 3D 
skeleton data extracted from a video. Compared to existing methods using RGB 
video frames, a sequence of 3D skeleton data consists of a compact 
representation of the pertinent human action that is highly robust to unwanted 
bias, making it suitable for few-shot learning tasks that have limited data for 
the novel classes. We introduce skeleton embedding generated from a 
three-stream embedding network using multi-order representations of a 3D 
skeleton sequence, with a generative model to reconstruct the skeleton 
coordinates from the embedding. We evaluate our model on a few-shot action 
recognition task and show that the model outperforms the state-of-the-art 
method on multiple benchmarks.

Date:  			Saturday, 31 July 2021

Time:			1:30pm - 3:30pm

Zoom meeting:

Committee Members:	Prof. Chi-Keung Tang (Supervisor)
 			Dr. Qifeng Chen (Chairperson)
 			Prof. Yu-Wing Tai

**** ALL are Welcome ****