ITEPC 04 - Understanding your data using artificial intelligence

(Faculty supervisor:Prof.KWOK, James

Objectives and Description:

The increasingly widespread use of information systems technologies and the internet has resulted in an explosive growth of many business, government and scientific databases. One example is the GenBank DNA sequence database, which contains approximately 37,893,844,733 bases in 32,549,400 sequence records as of February 2004. The billions of online documents now available on the internet (mostly in textual form) can also be considered as another very large "database". Moreover, each "record" in these "databases" can contain a large number of attributes. Such rapid growth in both the size and complexity have made the understanding of data a very important and challenging problem for information processing.

Language of instruction:

Cantonese or English

Software tools / programming languages involved:



A data visualization tool.

Things students will learn:

The main purpose of this project is to gives students a brief introduction to some data visualization technologies. Also, it gives students a chance to learn programming skills in Matlab.


Prior programming experience in Pascal/C/C++ is preferred.

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